FFFF000000060001001D77AA0000000000A1000000001001D10000001-7EFB7EE080000010ÇD480048-261B5A00103624-2ÇA40FA414A40FA41460CA0¬6136B5A022EFFFFÅÅ0ÇÇ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ser’s Guide for MacintoshMariner Write™ LiteThe writing tool for the rest of us.Version 1.0.3INTRODUCTION TO MARINER WRITE™ Lite 3Hardware and Software Requirements 3Technical Support 4The Command Bar 5About This Manual 5WORKING WITH DOCUMENTS 6Creating New Documents 6Opening Files 7Closing Documents 9Saving Documents 9Reverting 10Preferences 11Display Preferences 11Edit Preferences 12Ruler Preferences 14WorldScript Preferences 15Spelling Preferences 15Page Margins 17Page Guides 17Viewing a Document in Multiple Windows 18Selecting Documents 18Arranging Documents 19Changing the Document Magnification 19Go To 20Navigating 20Show Selection 20Displaying Invisible Characters 21Document Information 21Page Setup 22Print Preview 22Printing 22Quitting 23ENTERING AND EDITING 24Entering Text 24Selecting Text 26Editing Text 28Drag and Drop 29Undo 30Inserting Dates and Times 31Inserting Page Numbers 31Inserting Symbols 32Headers and Footers 33Footnotes 34Working with Graphics 35Change Case 35Modify 36FORMATTING TEXT 37The Ruler 37The Style Ribbon 38Working with Margins 38Indenting Paragraphs 38Space Before and After a Paragraph 39Changing Margins for Multiple Paragraphs 40Tabs 40Aligning Specific Characters 41Creating Tabs 41Moving Tabs 41Deleting Tabs 42Tabs Dialog 42Copying and Pasting Rulers 43Paragraph Alignment 44Line Spacing 46Bullets 46Changing Font 46Changing Text Size 47Changing Text Styles 47Style Shortcuts 48Other Text Styles 48Superscripts and Subscripts 48Page Breaks 49Keep on Same Page 49PROOFING YOUR DOCUMENTS 50Finding and Replacing Text 50000200000AD40000067B ACE,Spell Checking 52Learning New Words 53Dictionaries 54INDEX 54Chapter 1Introduction to Mariner Write™ LiteWelcome to Mariner Write Lite!With a focus on simplicity, speed, and power, Mariner Write Lite is a powerful writing tool anyone can comfortably afford.Begin by entering or importing text into a document window. Then format your text using rulers, margins, tabs, or paragraph indents. A wide selection of formatting commands let you style text as you please.Embellish your document with headers, footers, date/time markers, or imported graphics. Finally, proof your document for correct spelling and preview your work.Hardware and Software RequirementsTo use Mariner Write Lite you need:• Any Apple Macintosh or Mac OS capable computer with a 68020 or later processor, including Macintosh Performa, Macintosh PowerBook, Power Macintosh, Macintosh LC-family, Macintosh Centris, Macintosh II-family, or Macintosh Quadra computer.• Two megabytes memory (RAM).• System 7.0 or later, and a hard disk,.Allocating Memory to Mariner Write LiteIf you are working on long or complex documents, you may want to allocate more memory to Mariner Write LiteTo allocate more memory to Mariner Write Lite, quit the program by choosing Quit from the File menu. Then select the Mariner Write Lite application icon and choose Get Info from the File menu.Note! This Get Info window is shown as an example. The memory values in your Get Info window may be different.[]You can change the Mariner Write Lite memory settings at the bottom of the Get Info window. You can change only the Minimum and Preferred memory sizes.Minimum size is the amount of free memory you must have available for Mariner Write Lite to start. Preferred size is the maximum amount of free memory Mariner Write Lite will use, regardless of how much free memory you have.[]To find out how much free memory is available, choose About This Macintosh from the Apple menu.Note! If the first item in the Apple menu isn’t About This Macintosh, click your hard drive icon. This will change the current application to the Finder and you’ll then be able to choose About This Macintosh from the Apple menu.Example:Suppose the Minimum memory size for Mariner Write Lite is set to 900K and the Preferred to 1500K. Here’s what happens when you launch Mariner Write Lite for different amounts of free memory.Free RAM What happens when you start Mariner Write Lite 700K Doesn’t launch, the minimum needed is 900K 900K Uses 900K memory 1510K Uses 1500K memory, the maximum amount 2500K Uses 1500K memory, the maximum amountMacintosh Drag and DropUsing Macintosh system software version 7.0 or later, you can Drag and Drop text instead of cutting, copying, and pasting.000200000C0B00001149 C05,Macintosh Drag and Drop is included with System 7.5 and later. If you’re using an earlier system version, place the Macintosh Drag and Drop Extension in the Extensions folder.Note! If you are using a PowerPC and a system software version less than 7.5, you must also install the DragLib Extension.Technical SupportIf you have a question about using Mariner Write Lite, first try to find the answers you need in this documentation.If you still can’t find the information you need, contact Mariner Software Inc. by phone, or E-mail.Phone: (502) 222-6695; Voice support, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Mail: P.O. Box 377, LaGrange, KY 40031 E-mail: Mariner1@AOL.comFor Mariner Write Lite software updates, tip and tricks, information about other Mariner products, and articles for user group newsletter publication, visit our World Wide Web site at: http://www.MarinerSoft.comThe Command BarThe command bar is a floating palette providing an easy way to access commonly used commands.As you pass the cursor over each button, the name of the button is displayed in the command bar help message area. The help message area also displays other useful information such as ruler margin and tab position and text style information.[]Move the command bar by dragging the title bar along the left side of the palette. If the command bar isn’t displayed, choose Show Command Bar from the Window menu. To hide the command bar, choose Show Command Bar a second time.About This ManualRefer to the following chapters for help using Mariner Write Lite Chapter 1, Introduction to Mariner Write Lite, is this chapter.Chapter 2, Working with Documents, details how to open, save, and manage documents; set and save application preferences; change the magnification, control document and text appearance; set page margins; preview, and print documents and use other related document features.Chapter 3, Entering, Selecting, and Editing Text, details how to enter and select text; control word wrap; cut, copy, and paste plain and styled text; Drag and Drop text; Insert a Date/Time or Page Number stamp, and use other related text editing features.Chapter 4, Formatting Text, details how to use the ruler and style ribbon; set margins, indents, and tabs; change alignment, font, size, and text style; apply superscripts or subscripts; change the color of text and use other related formatting features.Chapter 5, Proofing your Documents, details how to spell check documents, use the find/replace commands.ConventionsBefore using Mariner Write Lite, you should have a basic knowledge of Macintosh operation.You should understand pointing, clicking, double-clicking, dragging, and how to choose menu commands. You should also know how to operate dialog boxes, resize windows, and use the Clipboard.If you aren’t familiar with these or other basic Macintosh operations or terminology, refer to the Macintosh® documentation included with your computer.Mariner Write Lite uses the following keyboard shortcuts when dialog boxes are displayed:00020000045100001D4E 44B, Return or Enter to press the OK button. Command-period or Escape to press the Cancel button.Chapter 2Working with DocumentsWhat’s in This Chapter?This chapter details how to: • Create new documents and open, close, save, and manage existing documents• Set and save application preferences• Change the magnification and control document and text appearance• Set page margins and page setup• Preview and print documents• User other related document featuresCreating New DocumentsTo create a new Mariner Write Lite document:• Launch Mariner Write Lite by double-clicking or opening the Mariner Write Lite icon.-or-• If Mariner Write Lite is already running, choose New (Command-N) from the File menu or press the New Document button in the command bar.[] To display the command bar, choose Show Command Bar from the Document menu.A new untitled document appears. New documents are titled Untitled 1, Untitled 2, etc.Opening FilesTo open a Mariner Write Lite document:1. Choose Open (Command-O) from the File menu or press the Open button in the command bar.000200000B5700002199 B51,[] To display the command bar, choose Show Command Bar from the Document menu.2. Select and open the Mariner Write Lite document in the open dialog.You can also double-click a Mariner Write Lite document icon to open the file.Opening Recent DocumentsThe Open Recent sub-menu lists the last eight files you opened.Pressing the Open button in the command bar also lists the last eight files opened.[]Opening Files Created in Other ProgramsChoosing the Open command displays a dialog that lists documents created with Mariner Write Lite.To list files created in other word processing applications, choose the appropriate file format option from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the open dialog.[]Note! Easy Open translators such as MacLink®Plus by DataViz® are required to open Microsoft® Word and other word processing file formats. MacLink®Plus is not included with the Mariner Write package.Mariner Write Lite has the built-in ability to open files saved in the following formats:Text Lists all files exported from word processor programs in text (ASCII) format. SimpleText and TeachText documents are also text files.RTF Lists documents exported from word processor programs in RTF (Rich Text Format).TeachText Lists read-only SimpleText documents. These files are often referred to as “Read Me” or “ttro” (pronounced “tea-tro”) files.PICT, EPS, GIF, JPEG Lists graphics documents. Note! QuickTime™ is required to open JPEG files. QuickTime is not included with the Mariner Write package.You can open and view the contents of any file by selecting All in the pop-up menu. Mariner Write Lite will attempt to translate and open the file using Macintosh Easy Open. If a translator is not available, Mariner Write Lite will allow you to open the document as text.Note! Easy Open translators such as MacLink®Plus by DataViz® are required to open Microsoft® Word and other word processing file formats. MacLink®Plus is not included with the Mariner Write package.Inserting Files (Importing)You can insert a graphic or the contents of another file into the current document.To insert a document into the current document:1. Position the insertion point where you want to insert the document.2. Choose Insert Document/Graphic from the File menu.Note! When inserting a Mariner Write Lite file into the current document: • The contents of the header and footer are ignored when inserting a file.Inserting GraphicsTo import a PICT graphic into your document, choose PICT from the Show Format pop-up menu in the Insert dialog.Note! Use the same method to import EPS, JPEG, GIF, or other graphic formats.Graphics are inserted in-line with the document text and can be selected in the same manner as a text character.[]For detailed information about editing graphics, see the Working with Graphics section in Chapter 3, Entering and Editing.00020000069000002CEA 68A,Closing DocumentsTo close a Mariner Write Lite window:• Choose Close from the File menu.-or-• Click the close box in the upper left-hand corner of the document window.If you close your document but have made changes since it was last saved, an alert dialog asks you if you want to save your changes. Click the Save button to save your changes. Click the Don’t Save button to close the document without saving changes. Click the Cancel button to return to your document without closing.Note! Closing the Header, Footer, Footnote does not close the document. To close the document, close the main document window.Saving DocumentsTo save a Mariner Write Lite document:1. Choose Save (Command-S) from the File menu or press the Save button in the command bar.[]2. Select the location where you want to save your file and enter a name for it.Once you save a document, choosing Save from the File menu saves your changes without displaying the Save dialog box. See the following two sections, The Save As Command and The Save a Copy As Command for information on saving your document with a different name, to a different location, or in a different format.The Save As CommandThe Save As command lets you save your document with a different name, to a different location, or in a different format.The file created using the Save As command becomes the current document.[]To use the Save As command:1. Choose Save As from the File menu. 2. Enter a different name for the file, and/or, choose a different location to save the file.3. To save the file in a different format, make the appropriate selection from the file format pop-up menu.0002000004F700003374 4F1,4. Click the Save button to save the file or the Cancel button to return to the document without saving.Exporting FilesTo save files in formats other applications can read, choose a file format other than Mariner Write Lite in the Use Format pop-up in the Save, Save As, or Save a Copy As dialogs.See the previous sections for detailed information about using the Save, Save As, or Save a Copy As commands.RevertingChoose Revert from the File menu to open the last saved copy of the current document.
Any changes since the document was last saved are lost.Application PreferencesYou can change the following settings, which apply to all open documents, in the Application Preferences dialog. Click on the headings listed across the top of the dialog to change the category.[]Display PreferencesHelp MessagesThe space at the bottom of the command bar is dedicated for displaying various Mariner Write Lite help and status messages. For example, as you pass your cursor over each command bar button, the name of the button is also displayed.Other help messages give you information about the style ribbon controls and ruler elements. For example, dragging the left margin marker in the ruler displays its exact position in the command bar.00020000063A00003865 634,To see help messages, enable the Help Messages check box.VerticalEnable the Vertical check box to change the orientation of the command bar from horizontal to vertical.Fractional WidthsSome fonts contain detailed instructions for the placement of one characters next to another. Usually this results in closer spacing between characters, this allows more characters to fit on a line, affecting the word wrap.Enable the Fractional Widths check box for Mariner Write Lite to use fractional character widths.Actual FontsWhen the Actual Fonts check box is selected, fonts are displayed using the actual typeface.[]Note! The actual typefaces may not display if Type Reunion or other similar product is installed.Bold CursorsSmall graphics, such as the cursor and text insertion points, are sometimes difficult to see on PowerBooks. Select the Bold Cursors check box to display thicker versions of the Mariner Write Lite cursor and insertion point.[]Dynamic ScrollingTo see your pages scroll as you drag the scroll bar “thumb”, select the Dynamic Scroll check box.Accelerated ScrollingIn many word processors, pressing one of the scroll arrows changes the document view at one steady speed.[]If you select the Accelerated Scrolling check box, your document scrolls faster and faster as you hold down the scroll arrow.Invisible Characters ColorSelecting Show Invisible Characters in the Document menu to display non-printing characters such as Tab and Return.To make invisible characters easier to see, change their color with the Invisibles pop-up menu.00020000065300003E99 64D,Ribbon ColorChanges the color of the text and icons displayed in the style ribbon.Gray Header TextEnable the Gray Header Text check box to display headers, footers and footnotes using gray text.Edit PreferencesDrag and DropUnder System 7.0 or greater, you can move or copy text by dragging and dropping text instead of cutting, copying, and pasting. Select the Drag and Drop control to enable Drag and Drop.For complete details about dragging and dropping, see the Drag and Drop section in Chapter 3, Entering and Editing.Curly QuotesWhen you press the quote key, a "straight" quote is typed. Most typefaces also support a more elegant angled or “curly” quote.[]Note! Selecting Curly Quotes doesn’t change the style of existing quotes – only the quotes you type after enabling Curly Quotes. Use the commands in the Modify menu to change existing quotes.Select the “Curly Quotes” check box to automatically type a curly quote instead of a regular quote. Mariner Write Lite knows to type a leading quote at the beginning of a word and a trailing curly quote at the end of a word.Tip! You can create a left curly quote by typing Option + Left Bracket, and a right curly quote by typing Option + Shift + Left Bracket.[]Smart Cut and PasteSmart Edit keeps track of the spaces between words so you don’t have to worry about inserting or deleting extra spaces when you cut/paste or Drag & Drop.Diamond KeysDiamond keys let you use the Control Key for advanced navigating and editing keyboard shortcuts. Mariner Write Lite supports the following diamond keys:Control + Move Cursor000200000A0A000044E6 A04, E Up X Down S Left D Right A To the top of the document F To the bottom of the document C To the top of the next page R To the bottom of the previous page Q To the beginning of the next line Z To the beginning of the previous lineScroll to the T Top of the document V Bottom of the document I Enter Tab M Delete the previous wordNote! Turn off Diamond keys if you wish to type characters requiring the Control key such as the following characters built into the Chicago or Charcoal fontControl-Q () Control-R () Control-T ()Number of UndosThe Undo Levels pop-up lets you select the number of undo levels–up to ten.For detailed information about using Undo and Redo, see the Undo section in Chapter 3, Entering and Editing.Indent In/OutUse this field to specify how much space to offset the paragraph left and first indent when using the Indent In and Indent Out commands. The Indent commands are located in the Justify menu (style ribbon) and also as buttons in the command bar.Bullet InUse this field to specify how much space to move the paragraph left indent when using the Bullet command. The Bullet command is located in the Justify menu (style ribbon) and also as a button in the command bar.Drag Selects ¶Select this control to select control characters (CR, Soft Return, Page Break, etc) when you drag the mouse past them. Ruler PreferencesRuler ZeroIn many word processors, the ruler’s zero mark is aligned with the left edge of the printable area. But this can make it difficult to position a tab or margin relative to the page edge. Mariner Write Lite lets you align the ruler zero mark to the page edge or left edge of the printable area.To align the ruler zero mark to the page edge, select the Paper Edge radio button. To align the ruler zero mark to the left page margin, select the Print Edge radio button.[]Snap To GridForces ruler elements (tabs or indents) to 1/8 inch increments when dragging.Click During DragSelect the “Click During Drag” check box to play a click sound when dragging a ruler element (tab or indent).WorldScript PreferencesSynch Script to FontWith Synch Script to Font enabled, users with non-English system software can enter text in English or any other language scripts installed with the system software.When the Synch Script to Font control is selected, the current language script changes to reflect the location of the insertion point. For example, clicking in a paragraph written in Kanji automatically changes the current language script to Kanji.00020000092C00004EEA 926,Regardless of the setting of the Synch Script to Font control, choosing an English font from the Font menu automatically changes the script to English.Note! International language scripts also contain a Roman character set. As a result, placing the intersection point within text that appears to be Roman may not change the script to English. Instead, the script changes to the language script used to create the text.Synch Font to ScriptMariner Write Lite saves the last font and text size used when the current International language script changes. To restore the last font and size used when the script is re-selected, enable the Synch Font to Script command.The following defaults are used when the language script is selected for the first time: Script Font Roman Geneva Kanji (Japanese) Osaka Simplified Chinese Beijing Traditional Chinese TaipeiThe default font for scripts not listed above is the first default application font of the script. The default font size is the last size selected by the user or the default system font.Note! With Synch Font to Script enabled, you cannot enter Roman characters using a non-Roman script. Upon typing English characters, the font and size will change to Geneva or the last font and size settings selected.Text Services (Non-English Languages Only)With Text Services enabled, users with non-English system software can enter text directly into the document window in place of using the Text Services conversion window.Spelling PreferencesIgnore Words with NumbersSkip over any words that contain numbers.Ignore UPPERCASE WordsSkip over any words that are in all CAPITAL letters. Clear Skip AllRemoves the words saved when using “Skip All” button in the Spell Check dialog.Note - MW clears this list each time the application starts, use this button to clear the list while the application is active.Clear Replace AllRemoves the words saved when using “Replace All” button in the Spell Check dialog.Note - MW clears this list each time the application starts, use this button to clear the list while the application is active.Spell Check After ReplaceChoose this option if you want to continue spell checking after using the Skip All, Replace, and Replace All buttons. With this option off, you will need to click the Check button to continue.0002000007C100005810 7BB,Spell Check on OpenChoose this option if you want to start spell the document immediately when using Check Spelling command. With this option off, you will need to click the Check button to start, this is useful if you use the Lookup button often.Page MarginsBecause of common printer limitations, the area where you can enter type is usually not the same as the full page size. The distances from the page edges to the respective edges of the printable area are called the page margins.[]Since the page margin can be only as large as the maximum printable area, the values you can enter for each margin depend on the printer selected in the Chooser. The size and orientation of the printable area are controlled by the Page Setup command.To set the page margins:1. Choose the Margins command from the Format menu.2. Enter values for the top, left, bottom, and right margins. If you want the area where you can type to be the same as the maximum printable area, click the Maximum Print Area button.Page GuidesThe page guide is the non-printing box that defines the document area.On color monitors, the page guide appears as a light gray box. On black and white monitors, the page guide appears as a dashed box.[]To show or hide the page guide, choose Show Page Guides from the Window menu.Viewing a Document in Multiple WindowsMariner Write Lite lets you view different parts of a document at the same time by splitting the document window horizontally. Once split, you can scroll each window part independently. To split a window, drag the pane control located above the topmost vertical scroll arrow.-or-Double-click the pane control to divide the window in half.[]To un-split the window either: - Drag the pane control back above the upper scroll arrow. - Double-click the pane control.Selecting DocumentsTo bring a document to the front, click any visible portion of the document or choose the document name from the Window menu.00020000093400005FCB 92E,The frontmost, sometimes called the active, document is marked with a check. Other documents are listed in the order in which they were opened or created. The most recently opened document appears at the bottom of the list.[]Arranging DocumentsThe arrange commands automatically move and resize your Mariner Write Lite documents so a portion of each document is always visible. The arrange commands don’t move the command bar.The Clean Up Windows menu contains four arrange commands: Stack, Cascade, Tile Horizontal, and Tile Vertical.StackThe Stack command arranges all windows so you can view the window titles at the same time. In addition, the right sides of the document windows are aligned.CascadeThe Cascade command is similar to Stack except the right side document edges are offset.[]Tile HorizontalTile Horizontal arranges windows lengthwise so that each window is fully visible. The frontmost window is positioned at the top of the main monitor.Tile VerticalTile Vertical arranges windows by height so that each window is fully visible. The frontmost window is positioned at the left size of the main monitor.[]Changing the Document MagnificationUse the Zoom pop-up menu at the bottom of each document window to view your document at different magnifications. You can choose from seven different magnification levels ranging from 25% to 400%.[]Changing the magnification automatically scrolls the document to display the insertion point or selected text range. If the entire selected text range can’t be displayed, the document is scrolled to display the beginning of the selected text range.Go To PageUse the Go To Page command to navigate between pages without scrolling.To change the current page:1. Click anywhere in the Go To box located on the bottom-left corner of the document window.2. Enter a page number and click OK or click the Cancel button to return to the document without changing the current page.[]NavigatingOn an extended keyboard, press the Home and End keys to scroll to the top and bottom of the current document. Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to scroll one page forward or backward.You can also use the arrow keys to move the insertion point. For detailed information on using the arrow keys, see the Entering Text section in Chapter 3, Entering and Editing.0002000007F6000068F9 7F0,Show SelectionAs you scroll, the insertion point or range of text you’ve selected may move out of view. Use the Enter key to have Mariner Write Lite automatically scroll the document to display the insertion point or range of selected text.Displaying Invisible CharactersTo view non-printing characters such as tab, space, and return, check Show Invisibles in the Window menu or press the Invisible Characters button in the command bar.[]To display the command bar, choose Show Command Bar from the Window menu.Mariner Write Lite uses the following symbols to represent invisible characters.[]Document InformationUse the Count command to find out how many paragraphs, lines, words, characters, pictures, and date/time or page number fields are contained in your document. Separate values are shown for the main body, Header, Footer, and Footnote.[]Note! The Roman Words field displays the number of standard English words. Some International languages use a different criteria for defining a word. The Bytes field is provided for International languages as well. The Fields item counts page number and date/time fields.To view information about your document or selected text:1. Choose Count from the File menu. 2. Click the Selected Text or Document button to view information about selected text or about your entire document.3. Choose the Done button to return to the document.Page SetupThe Page Setup command lets you change the page orientation, size, and scale. As the Page Setup options are device specific, refer to your printer documentation for specific Page Setup information.The Starting Page Number specifies the page number for the first page of your document. This modifies the value displayed in an updating page number field, and increments the amount in a page total field.Example: If you want page 1 to start after the first page, the starting number will be 0. []Print PreviewChoose Print Preview from the File menu to see how your document will look when printed.000200000E63000070E9 E5D,To view the next page, click the Next button. To view the previous page, click the Previous button.If you know the number of the page you want to view, click the page number indicator at the bottom-left corner of the Print Preview window.[]To make changes to the page setup dialog while in print preview mode, click the Setup button.PrintingTo print the current document:1. If you want to change the size, orientation, or scale of each page, choose Page Setup from the File menu.2. If you want to see how your document will look when printed, choose Print Preview from the File menu, or press the Print Preview button in the command bar.3. Choose Print from the File menu or press the Print button in the command bar.4. Select the desired options and press the OK button to Print or press the Cancel button to return to the document without printing.The dialog box that appears when you select Print is printer specific. See your Macintosh or printer documentation for information on installing printer software and selecting printing options.Printing OptionsThe following print features are available in the Print dialog.[]Print Odd Pages/Print Even Pages. Prints only odd or even numbered pages. This simplifies printing on both sides of a page.Note! Print Odd Pages/Print Even Pages works with the actual page numbers, not page numbers inserted using the “Insert Page Number” command.Print Background Color. Enable when you want to print the document background color.Note! The control is only active when a document background color is not white. Mariner Write Lite does not have a document color feature, but can read/print other document formats that may change the color.Collate. Printing multiple copies of a document usually results in several copies of page one followed by several copies of page two, which you must collate by hand. Instead, choose Collate to print one copy of the document in its entirety, then a second copy, etc. Note! Collated printing takes longer as the document must be re-processed for each copy requested.Forward/Reverse. Forward prints pages in 1, 2, 3 order while reverse prints pages in 3, 2, 1 order.Print One CopyChoose Print One Copy from the File menu to print one copy of your document. This is a shortcut to choosing the Print command and pressing the Print button.Quitting To quit the Mariner Write Lite application, choose Quit from the File menu. If there are any changes to your documents since you last saved, you will be prompted to save your changes for each document.Chapter 3Entering and EditingWhat’s in This Chapter?This chapter details how to: • Enter and select text• Control word wrap• Cut, copy, Drag and Drop, and paste plain and styled text• Insert a Date/Time or Page Number stamp• Use other related entering and editing featuresEntering TextTo enter text in a new document, simply type. The insertion point, a blinking vertical bar, marks where the next characters appear as you type. The insertion point also marks where pasted text or a graphic is inserted.[]To change where you want to type, simply click where you want to position the insertion point. Note! You can position the insertion point only to the left or right of an existing character. As such, you may need to repeatedly press the Return or Enter key to move the insertion point to a location that doesn’t already contain text.You can also move the insertion point one character to the left or right by pressing the left or right arrow key. Pressing the up arrow key moves the insertion point to the line above. Pressing the down arrow key moves it to the line below.000200000C6D00007F46 C67,Word WrapAs you type, words automatically flow, or “break”, to the next line when you reach the right margin marker. This is called word wrap.[]Note! For detailed information about using and setting margins, see the Changing Margins section in Chapter 4, Formatting Text.In addition to the space character, lines also wrap on the Soft Hyphen character. For detailed information about using the Soft Hyphen, see the Soft Hyphens section that follows.If you don’t want a line to break between words, type a non-breaking space between them. To type a non-breaking space, hold down the Option key and press the space bar.[]Using Soft ReturnsThe left and right margin markers let you adjust the horizontal position of each paragraph. To move the text insertion point to the next line without starting a new paragraph, press Shift + Return key. This is called a Soft Return or Line Feed.[]Example: Using a soft return aligns the next line with the Left Indent, instead of starting a new paragraph and moving the text to the First Indent location.Soft HyphensThere may be situations where you want the option of having a line break within a word instead of between words. The Soft Hyphen character lets you split a word across lines.Note! Soft Hyphens are visible only when a word splits.[][]To insert a Soft Hyphen, position the cursor where you want the word to split and either: • Choose Insert Soft Hyphen from the Insert menu.-or- • Type Command-Shift-Dash (or Command-Shift-Minus).To remove a Soft Hyphen, position the cursor to the right of the Soft Hyphen and press the Delete key.Selecting TextYou must select text before you can edit it or change its appearance.[]You can use the mouse, keyboard, or a combination of both to select a continuous range of text. The simplest method is to drag across, or highlight the text you want to select. Selecting by DraggingTo select text by dragging:1. Position the I-Beam cursor in front of the first character you want to select.[][]2. Drag over the text, including the last character you want to select.[]Dragging past the edge of the document window automatically scrolls the document in that direction.Selecting by KeyboardTo select text by using the keyboard:1. Position the I-beam cursor in front of the first character you want to select.2. Hold down the Shift key.3. Press the Left or Right Arrow key to extend your selection by one character to the left or right.4. Press the Up or Down Arrow to extend your selection to the nearest character in the line above or below your insertion point.[][]When dragging is inconvenient, such as when you want to select all the text on multiple pages, use the Shift-click technique.To select text by Shift-clicking:1. Position the I-Beam cursor in front of the first character you want to select.2. Hold down the Shift key and click behind the last character you want to select. If the last character isn’t visible, use the scroll bars or Go To feature to change the visible page. For detailed information about using the Go To feature, see the Go To section in Chapter 2, Working with Documents.00020000095300008BAD 94D,To increase or decrease the size of your selection, repeat step 2 above or any of the selection techniques previously described.Multiple Text SelectionsTo select multiple text ranges:1. Select the first text range using one of the previously described methods.2. Press the Shift and Option keys and select a second text range. []Discontiguous Text SelectionsTo select a discontiguous text range, Press the key and drag. This is particularly useful for selecting single column of tabbed data arranged into columns.[]Text Selection ShortcutsUse the following shortcuts to select a word, paragraph, or the entire document.• Double-click to select a word.• Triple-click to select a sentence.• Quadruple-click to select a paragraph.Editing TextUse the standard Macintosh Edit menu commands to cut, copy, paste, or clear selected text.CuttingChoose Cut (Command-X) from the Edit menu, or press the Cut button in the command bar, to remove your selection from the document and place it on the Macintosh’s built-in Clipboard. The selection cut replaces the previous Clipboard contents.Once on the Clipboard, you can paste the selection into another Mariner Write Lite document or into another application’s document.To delete a selection without placing it on the Clipboard, choose Clear from the Edit menu or press the Delete key or Backspace key.ClearingTo delete a selected range of text:• Press the Delete, Backspace, or Forward Delete key.Note! The Forward Delete is available on extended style keyboards only. It is located below the Help key and to the left of the End key.To delete the character to the left of the insertion point:• Press the Delete keyTo delete the character to the right of the insertion point:• Press the Forward Delete key. The Forward Delete key is located below the help key on an extended keyboard.CopyingChoose Copy (Command-C) from the Edit menu, or press the Copy button in the command bar to place a copy of the selection on the Macintosh’s built-in Clipboard. The copied selection replaces the previous Clipboard contents.When you use the Copy command, the document doesn’t change. When you use the Cut command, the selection is removed from the document.Once on the Clipboard, you can paste the selection into another Mariner Write Lite document or into another application’s document.000200000829000094FA 823,PastingChoose Paste (Command-V) from the Edit menu, or press the Paste button in the command bar, to replace the current selection with a copy of the Clipboard contents, or to insert the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point.[][]When you paste Mariner Write Lite text into another Mariner Write Lite document, the text maintains the same paragraph formatting and text style when it was cut or copied. Text formatting may be lost when Mariner Write Lite is pasted into another application’s document.Drag and DropUnder Macintosh system software version 7.0 or later, you can Drag and Drop text instead of cutting, copying, and pasting.To activate Drag and Drop, select Drag and Drop in the Application Preferences dialog. To display the Application Preferences dialog, choose Options from the Preferences sub-menu. The Preferences sub-menu is located in the File menu.To move text using Drag and Drop:1. Select the text you want to move.[]2. Position the cursor over the text selection.[]3. Drag the text to the new location. As you drag, the text insertion point marks where the text will be inserted when you release the mouse. []4. Release the mouse button.[]To copy text using Drag and Drop, follow the same steps as above while holding down the Option key.You can also Drag and Drop text between Mariner Write Lite windows – even from an inactive to an active window.Desktop Drag & DropWant to easily insert a text file or graphic into a document? Just drag the icon into the document window from the Finder to insert the item at the insertion point.To drag-insert a graphic as an object, press the command key before you drag the graphic icon into the document window.UndoThe Undo command reverses the last action that changed the document contents or formatting. Some of the actions you can undo include: • Typing • Cutting and pasting • Changing text font, size, or style • Changing paragraph alignment • Changing margins or tabs • Inserting graphics, dates and page numbers. • Find and replace • Spell check0002000009C900009D1D 9C3,Examples of actions you can’t undo include: • Moving or arranging windows • Showing invisible characters • Zooming • Hiding the command bar or ruler • Changing ruler units • Saving, opening, or printingTo undo an action, choose Undo (Command-Z) from the Edit menu or click the Undo button in the command bar.You can change the number of actions you can undo, up to ten, by choosing Options from the Preferences sub-menu. The Preferences sub-menu is located in the File menu.If you find that you preferred how the document looked before you selected the Undo command, choose Redo (Command-Y) from the Edit menu or click the Redo button in the command bar.[]Inserting Dates and TimesThe Insert Date/Time command lets you easily insert the current date or time, as editable text or as an updating field, in your document.To insert the date or time:1. Position the insertion point where you want to insert the date or time.2. Select Insert Date/Time from the Insert sub-menu.3. Select the Date or Time radio button and the format of the date or time from the pop-up menu.4. Select either the Text or Updating Field radio button. The Updating Field option inserts the date or time as a non-editable field. While the field appears as a string of text, it behaves as though it were a single character. Each time you open your document, the field updates to the current date or time. The Text option inserts the current date or time as editable text using the current style. Dates and times inserted as text don’t update when the document is re-opened.Note: some date formats may be duplicated, the bottom 3 examples in the pop-up menu follow the Date & Time control panel settings. Mariner Write Lite may offer a duplicate in an unchanging format above.Inserting Page NumbersThe Insert Page Number command pastes the current page number, or number of document pages, as a non-editable field. The field automatically updates if moved to a different page or if the number of pages change.To insert a page number or total pages field:1. Choose Insert Page Number from the Insert sub-menu.2. Choose page number, or total pages, in Arabic or Roman styles from the Format pop-up menu. Arabic (1, 2, 3,…9, 10,…) Lowercase Roman (i, ii, iii,…x, xi,…) UPPERCASE Roman (I, II, III,…X, XI,…) If your document contains a cover page, table of contents, or other pages preceding the main text, you may want your page number fields to begin with a different value.00020000098B0000A6E0 985,To assign a custom page number:1. Choose Page Setup from the File menu.2. Enter an integer in the Starting Page Number field. The custom page number starts with the first occurrence of a page number field.Inserting SymbolsUse the Symbol command to display all the keyboard characters of the current font. The Symbol command is located in the Insert sub-menu (Format menu).• Select a character in the Insert Symbol dialog by clicking on it. The selection is displayed in large scale in the lower left corner of the dialog.[]• Click the Insert button to input the selected character into the current document.• Click on the Done button to exit the dialog.Headers and FootersA header contains text or graphics you want to repeat at the top of each page, such as a document title. A footer contains text or graphics you want to position at the bottom of each page, such as the page number.Creating a Header or FooterTo insert a header or footer:1. Select Insert Header or Insert Footer from the Format menu. A separate window, titled <document name>:Header or <document name>:Footer is displayed.[]2. Enter the header or footer text or graphic. Initially, the header or footer is set up to hold one line of text. The size of the header and footer areas grow as you type or paste in text and graphics.3. Edit and format the header or footer text any way you please – the header and footer windows are just smaller versions of the document window.Note! You can insert the current date or time or page number by choosing Insert Date/Time or Insert Page Number from the Insert menu.4. Close the header or footer window.The header and footer text appear at the top or bottom of each document page.Deleting and Editing a Header or FooterTo change a header or footer, double-click the respective header or footer area. Changes are not visible until the header or footer window is closed. To remove a header or footer, choose Delete Header or Delete Footer from the Format menu.FootnotesFootnotes are numbered references providing an easy way to cite information sources within your document. Each footnote has two parts: the index and the content. The index, the actual footnote number, is inserted in the main body text. The text style of the index is the text style at the insertion point plus the Superior text style. The Superior text style raises the footnote index above the body text.0002000006680000B065 662,[]The content of the footnote is positioned at the bottom of the page and separated from the body text by a short horizontal line. Mariner Write Lite will always try to position the footnote content on the same page as the index. As a result, pages may repaginate as you add information to the footnote.[]Endnotes are positioned at the end of the document. Footnotes and endnotes are numbered separately, different number styles can be specified in the Document Options dialog.To insert a footnote:1. Position the cursor where you want to insert a footnote.2. Select Insert Footnote from the Insert sub-menu. A separate window, titled <document name>:Footnote, is displayed.[]3. Enter the footnote text or graphic. The default text style for footnotes is single-spaced, plain, 9-point Geneva text.Note! Only character-based graphics can be inserted or pasted into a footnote. See the Working with Graphics section earlier in this chapter for detailed information about character-based and object-based graphics.4. Edit and format the footnote text any way you please–the footnote window is just a smaller version of the main document window.5. Close the footnote window. Editing a FootnoteTo change a note, double-click the content or the reference number within the document text. The edit window appears. Changes are not visible until the edit window is closed.Deleting a FootnoteTo remove the footnote content, but not the footnote index, open the footnote and delete the footnote text. To remove both the footnote content and the footnote index, delete the footnote index.Working with Graphics0002000009EF0000B6C7 9E9,You can embellish documents with graphics by importing or pasting graphics into a document.Mariner Write Lite can import PICT, EPS, JPEG, and GIF files as well as any graphic formats supported by Mac OS Easy Open filters.To import a graphic, either:• Choose Insert Document/Graphic from the File menu.-or-• Paste the graphic from the Clipboard.With Mariner Write Lite, all graphics are inserted in-line with text.[]The vertical distance between lines adjusts to accommodate an in-line character graphic. []To select a graphic:• Drag over it as you would a text character.-or-• Click it.While most selections from the Font, Size, or Style menu have no effect on a graphics-based character, you can raise or lower a PICT character by selecting superscript or subscript from the Style menu.[]If the character is wider than the page or column margin, the portion wider than the page margin is hidden.To scale a PICT, either:• Double-click the graphic to display the graphic scale dialog.-or-• Interactively scale the object by dragging one of the eight object selection handles.Showing/Hiding GraphicsTo hide graphics placed into the document , choose Show Graphic from the Window menu. This may improve screen redraw speed if the graphic is large.[]Change CaseThe Change Case menu contains commands to change the case of document text. Unlike the uppercase, lowercase and small cap styles (see Chapter 4: Formatting), the actual document text is changed.To modify text case:1. Highlight the text you want to change. If no text is hilighted, the commands are not available. For detailed information on selecting text, see Chapter 3, Selecting and Entering.2. Choose the desired modify command from the Change Case menu.Sentence Case - Capitalizes the first letter at the beginning of a sentence.Force Sentence Case - performs the lowercase command, then the Sentence Case command.UPPERCASE - forces text to CAPITAL letters.lowercase - forces text to small or lowercase letters.Title Case - Capitalizes the first letter of each word.Force Title Case - performs the lowercase command, then the Title Case command.Toggle Case - reverses each characters case, for example “Toggle Case” becomes “tOGGLE cASE”.ModifyThe Modify menu contains commands to clean up document text.To modify text:1. Highlight the text you want to change. If no text is hilighted, the commands are not available. For detailed information on selecting text, see Chapter 3, Selecting and Entering.00020000065C0000C0B0 656,2. Choose the desired modify command from the Modify menu.Form Paragraphs - Removes single return characters. Return characters runs are ignored.
For example:[]Remove Returns - Removes all return characters.Remove Linefeeds - Removes all linefeed characters.Add Linefeeds - Adds a linefeed character after each return character.Straight to Curly Quotes - Changes straight quote characters to curly quotes.Curly to Straight Quotes - Changes curly quote characters to straight quotes.Space Runs to Space - Changes multiple space characters to a single space character.Space Runs to Tab - Changes multple space characters to a single tab character.Spaces to Tab - Changes each space character to a tab character.Tabs to Spaces - Changes each tab character to a space character.Chapter 4Formatting TextWhat’s in This Chapter?This chapter details how to:• Use the ruler to set margins, indents, and tabs• Use the style ribbon and menus to change text font, size, and style• Adjust alignment, line spacing, and kerning• Use style sheets• Create multiple columns• Adjust orphan and widow values• Use other related formatting featuresThe RulerUse the ruler to:• Position text• Change paragraph margins• Adjust tabsTo display the ruler, choose Show Ruler from the Window menu. To hide the ruler, choose Show Ruler a second time.The ruler’s default measurement unit is inches. To change the measurement unit, hold the control key down and click on the ruler. Choose a new measurement from the pop menu.The gray ruler areas mark the document’s left and right page margins.[]0002000006760000C706 670,Note! The area where you can type is controlled through the Margins command. For detailed information about changing margins, see the Page Margins section in Chapter 2, Working with Documents.The Style RibbonUse the style ribbon to:• Create tabs in conjunction with the ruler• Set font, size, and style• Set paragraph alignmentEach style ribbon feature is described in its respective section.To display the style ribbon, choose Show Style Ribbon from the Window menu. To hide the style ribbon, choose Show Style Ribbon a second time.Working with MarginsThree ruler controls, the left and right margin markers and the first-line indent marker, let you adjust the horizontal position of each paragraph.[]As you type, text flows to the right. When the text reaches the right margin, it moves to the next line. This is called word wrap.To change a paragraph’s left or right margin, click anywhere in the paragraph to display the margins for that paragraph. Then drag the left or right margin to a new position.As you drag the left margin its distance from the ruler zero mark is displayed in the command bar.Indenting ParagraphsJust above the left margin marker is the first-line indent marker. The first-line indent lets you create an indented or “hanging” paragraph by offsetting the paragraph’s first line to the right or left of the left margin.[]Dragging the left margin marker moves the first-line marker by the same distance. As a result, the same indentation is maintained when you change the left margin. To move only the left margin marker, drag the Left Only marker. (See example in “Working with Margins”)0002000007B30000CD76 7AD,Each time you press the Return key, you create a new paragraph. The margins of the new paragraph are the same as the previous paragraph.[]You can also change paragraph margins and first-line indent settings through the Paragraph dialog.To change ruler margins through the Paragraph dialog:1. Position the insertion point within the paragraph you want to change.2. Choose Paragraph from the Format menu.3. Enter values for Left, Right, and First-Line spacing the in the Paragraph Spacing section of the Paragraph dialog.Space Before and After a ParagraphInstead of pressing the Return key repeatedly to increase the space between paragraphs, use the Paragraph command to digitally control the vertical spacing between paragraphs.To change paragraph spacing:1. Position the cursor within the paragraph you want to change.2. Choose Paragraph from the Format menu.3. Enter values for Before Paragraph and After Paragraph spacing in the Paragraph Spacing section of the Paragraph dialog.[]Changing Margins for Multiple ParagraphsTo see the margin settings for a single paragraph, simply click anywhere in the paragraph. You don’t have to select the entire paragraph.If your selection includes text from paragraphs having different margins, the ruler displays the margin markers and tabs for the top-most paragraph of the selection. • Changing a margin marker aligns the left or right sides of all the paragraphs in the selection.TabsA tab is a non-printing character that’s typed each time you press the Tab key. Pressing tab moves the insertion point to the next tab stop. Note! To see tabs and all other invisible characters, choose Show Invisible Characters from the Document window or press the Show Invisible Characters button in the command bar.There are four kinds of tabs: left, center, right, and decimal. []When you move the insertion point to a left tab and type, text aligns on the left and flows to the right.00020000075D0000D523 757,When you move the insertion point to a right tab and type, text aligns on the right and flows to the left.[] []When you move the insertion point to a center tab and type, the center of the text aligns with the tab and text flows to the left and right.When you move the insertion point to a decimal tab and type, text flows to the left until you type a decimal, period, or soft hyphen. Then text flows to the right. Decimal tabs are particularly useful for aligning currency or other decimal numbers.[] []Aligning Specific CharactersYou can use the soft hyphen character or the decimal tab to align paragraphs on any character. Simply insert a soft hyphen after each character you want to align with the decimal tab.[]Each time you press the Return key to create a new paragraph, the tabs of the new paragraph are the same as the previous paragraph.Creating TabsBy default, left tab stops are set about every half inch but aren’t displayed in the ruler.
You can override the default tab stops by setting your own tabs.When you set your own tabs, default tabs to the left of the tab you set are ignored. As a result, pressing the Tab key once moves the insertion point to your first custom tab. Pressing the Tab key again either moves the cursor to the next default tab or custom tab.You can create your own tabs interactively or via the Tab dialog box.Creating Tabs by DraggingTo interactively create a custom tab, drag the tab from the style ribbon into the ruler area.[][]Note! To set tabs by dragging, both the ruler and style ribbon must be visible. To display the ruler and style ribbon, select Show Ruler and Show Style Ribbon from the Document window respectively.Moving TabsTo move a tab, simply drag it to the new position. As you drag, the tab’s distance from the ruler zero mark is displayed in the command bar. Deleting Tabs0002000005FD0000DC7A 5F7,To remove a tab, drag the tab toward the document area until the cursor changes to a little trash can. Then release the mouse and the tab is deleted.[]Tabs DialogInstead of dragging a tab from the style ribbon into the ruler area, you can create, change, and remove tabs through the Tabs dialog.The Tabs dialog is particularly useful in situations where creating or changing a tab with the mouse may be cumbersome such as: adjusting the position of a tab that’s closely positioned to other tabs, removing a tab without having to scroll, or removing all tabs.To create a new tab using the Tabs dialog:1. Select the paragraph(s) for which you want to create a tab stop.2. Choose Tabs from the Document menu. The Tabs dialog is displayed.[]3. Click the New Tab radio button.4. In the Position field, enter the ruler location where you want to insert the new tab.5. Optionally, enter a tab leader character in the Leader field. A tab leader is a single character that repeats itself between the location where you typed a Tab and the tab itself.6. Choose a tab alignment: right, left, center, or decimal.7. Click the Insert button. The new tab is added to the list of current tab stops.8. Create additional tabs by repeating steps 4 through 7.9. Press OK to insert the new tabs in your document. Press Cancel to return to the document without inserting new tabs.Changing Tab Position with the Tabs Dialog1. Place the insertion point within the paragraph(s) containing the tabs you want to edit.00020000064B0000E271 645,2. Choose Tabs from the Document menu.3. Click the Edit Tab radio button.4. Select the tab you want to edit from the list of current tabs.5. Enter a new position for the tab.6. Change the tab alignment (right, left, center, or decimal) or enter a tab leader if desired.7. Click the Change button. The tab is added to the list of current tabs.8. Edit other tabs by repeating steps 4 through 7.9. Press OK to accept the any changes you’ve made. Press Cancel to return to the document without changing any tabs.Removing Tabs with the Tabs Dialog1. Place the insertion point within the paragraph(s) containing the tabs you want to remove.2. Choose Tabs from the Document menu.3. Select the tab you want to edit from the list of current tabs4. Click the Delete button to remove the tab from the tab list.Note! To remove all tabs, press the Delete All button and skip to step 5.5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to remove additional tabs from the list.6. Press OK to remove the tabs from your document. Press Cancel to return to the document without removing any tabs.Copying and Pasting RulersUse the Copy Ruler and Paste Ruler commands to apply one paragraph’s ruler settings (first-line indent, margins, and tabs) to another paragraph.To copy a ruler setting:1. Position the insertion point within the paragraph containing the attributes you want to copy.2. Select Copy Ruler from the Format menu.To paste a ruler setting:1. Position the insertion point within the paragraph for which you want to apply the copied ruler setting.2. Select Paste Ruler from the Format menu.0002000006D70000E8B6 6D1,Paragraph AlignmentThe alignment controls let you align selected paragraphs with respect to the right and left margins.Left alignment aligns the text with the left margin.[]Right alignment aligns the text with the right margin.[]Center alignment centers the text between the left and right margin.[]Justified text is aligned to both the left and right margins. This is done by increasing the spacing between words. The last line of the paragraph is forced to the left.[]Justified All text is aligned to both the left and right margins the same as Justified, including the last line.[]Changing Paragraph AlignmentYou can change alignment via the keyboard, Paragraph dialog box, or style ribbon. Each respective method follows.By KeyboardSelect the paragraphs for which you want to change the alignment and:• Type Command-Shift-L for left alignment• Type Command-Shift-C for center alignment• Type Command-Shift-R for right alignmentParagraph Dialog Box Method1. Select the paragraphs for which you want to change the alignment.2. Choose Paragraph from the Format menu.[]3. Choose Left, Right, Center, Justify or Justify All from the Alignment pop-up menu.Style Ribbon MethodSelect the paragraphs for which you want to change the alignment and select one of the alignment options from the Justification pop-up menu.[]To display the style ribbon, select Show Style Ribbon from the Document menu.Line SpacingUse the line spacing pop-up menu in the style ribbon to control the vertical line spacing of the selected paragraphs.[]Selecting “1” from the line spacing pop-up applies single line spacing to the selected paragraphs. Single line spacing is typically 120% of the font size.000200000A700000EF87 A6A,Selecting “1.5” from the line spacing pop-up applies one and one-half times the spacing as single line spacing to the selected paragraphs.Selecting “2” from the line spacing pop-up applies twice the spacing as single line spacing to the selected paragraphs.To enter a custom line spacing, in points, choose Other from the pop-up menu. BulletsThe Bullet paragraph style displays a decorative character on the first line of a paragraph. The style does not insert extra characters into the text of the document.To apply/remove the bullet style to the selected paragraphs, click the Bullet button in the command bar or use the Bullets command in the Justification pop-up menu.Changing FontThe Font menu lists all typefaces currently installed in your Macintosh.To change the font of selected text:1. Highlight the text you want to change. If no text is highlighted, the new font is used for the next text you type from the insertion point. For detailed information on selecting text, see Chapter 3, Selecting and Entering.2. Choose the desired font from the Font menu or from the font pop-up in the style ribbon. To display the style ribbon, select Show Style Ribbon from the Document menu.The font name is abbreviated if longer than the Font pop-up menu. To see the full font name, position the cursor over the font pop-up menu. The full name is shown in the help message area of the command bar.Changing Text SizeThe Size menu lists commonly used text sizes. Sizes that are shown in outline such as [] are currently installed in the system and display more clearly than sizes not listed in outline form.To change text size:1. Highlight the text you want to change. If no text is highlighted, the new size is used for the next text you type from the insertion point. For detailed information on selecting text, see Chapter 3, Selecting and Entering.2. Choose the size from the Size menu or from the size pop-up in the style ribbon. If the style ribbon isn’t displayed, choose Show Ribbon from the Document menu.Tip! To increase or decrease the text size to the next listed size, choose Larger (Command-]) or Smaller (Command-[) from the Size menu. For example, selecting 14 point text and choosing the Larger menu command changes the text to 18 points.Custom Text SizeTo enter a text size not listed in the Size menu:1. Choose Other from the Size menu. The custom text size dialog appears.[]2. Enter the text size, in points, and click the OK button.Changing Text StylesMariner Write Lite offers powerful character styling options through the Style menu commands and the style pop-up menu in the style ribbon.0002000007160000F9F1 710,To style text:1. Highlight the text you want to change. If no text is hilighted, the new size is used for the next text you type from the insertion point. For detailed information on selecting text, see Chapter 3, Selecting and Entering.2. Choose the desired style from the Style menu or from the size pop-up in the style ribbon.Style ShortcutsThe most common type styles have keyboard shortcuts: • Type Command-B for Bold • Type Command-I for Italic • Type Command-U for Underline • Type Command-T for PlainOther Text StylesIn addition to the standard Bold, Italic, Underline, Outline, Shadow, and Strike Thru styles, Mariner Write Lite offers a number of useful text styles not found in many word processors.Use the Underline sub-menu to choose:[]The Box style places a box around the selected text. The height of the box is determined by the tallest character in the selection.[]Superscripts and SubscriptsText formatted as superscript is raised above the text baseline, Subscripted text is lowered below the text baseline.[]The Superscript or Subscript menu commands apply a 3 point offset each time the command is selected. For example, to apply a 6 point offset, you would select the command twice.Use the None command to remove the style.Page BreaksThe page break character is a non-printing character that moves the insertion point, and any text that follows it, to the top of the next page.To insert a page break character at the insertion point, choose Insert Page Break from the Format menu. To see the page break character, choose Show Invisible Characters from the Document menu.[]Keep on Same PageChoosing Keep on Same Page from the Format menu moves selected paragraphs to the next page if they don’t fit completely on the current page.000200000B6700010101 B61,If the selection is taller than a page, choosing Keep on Same Page has no effect.To reverse the effect, choose the Keep on Same Page command a second time.Chapter 5Proofing Your DocumentsWhat’s in This Chapter?This chapter details how to:• Find and replace text, font, and size• Check your spellingFinding and Replacing TextUse the Find command to search for, and optionally replace, text in your document.To use the Find window:1. Activate the document where you want to find, and optionally replace, text.2. Choose Find/Replace from the Edit menu (Command-F) or press the Find/Replace button in the command bar. You can manage the Find/Replace dialog like a document window. You can drag the title bar to move it or send it behind or in front of other documents. However, the Find/Replace dialog is not listed in the Window menu.[]3. Enter or paste the text you want to find into the Find field.Because the Tab and Return keys are also used to operate the Find dialog, you can’t type a Tab or Return character in the Find or Replace fields. Instead, choose the Tab, Return, or Page Break characters from the Special pop-up menu or: Type To represent a “^r” Return “^t” Tab “^p” Page Break “^e” New Line (Soft Return)4. Select the appropriate search options.• To search for an entire word only, select the Entire Word control. For example, searching for “and” with Entire Word selected would find the “and” in “Jobs and Wozniak” but not the “and” in “candy”.• To find where the text occurs, regardless of case, select the Ignore Case control.• To search all the text in the current document, (including headers/footers and footnotes) select “All” in the Search pop-up menu. To igonore headers/footers and footnote text, select “Main Text Only” in the Search pop-up menu.5. If you want to replace found text with new text, enter or paste text into the Replace field.Tip! To delete found text, don’t enter any text in the Replace With field. As a result, you can replace found text with no text.6. Press one of the following buttons:Press [] or the Return or Enter keys, to begin searching at the insertion point.If the text is found, it’s displayed and selected. Clicking the Find button again finds the next occurrence.If the text is found, press [] to replace the selection with the text in the Replace field.Use [] as a shortcut to successively clicking the Replace, then the Find, buttons.Use [] to replace all occurrences of the text entered in the Find field with the text entered in the Replace field. Replace All ignores the Wrap Around control.Find AgainAfter you close the Find dialog, you can continue to search for the last text entered in the Find dialog by choosing Find Again from the Edit menu (Command-G) or pressing the Find Again button in the Command Bar. The Find Again command uses the current Find dialog settings.0002000007C900010C62 7C3,Find SelectionAs an alternative to using the Find dialog, choose Find Selection (Command-H) from the Edit menu, or press the Find Selection button in the Command Bar, to find the next occurrence of selected text.Find Selection works with text selections up to 255 characters long and uses the current Find dialog settings.[]Spell CheckingTo begin spell checking at the text insertion point, choose Check Spelling (Command-L) from the Edit menu and click Check in the Spell dialog.Tip: To start spell checking immediately without clicking the “Check” button, activate the “Check On Open” control check box in the Preferences Dialog. Mariner Write Lite will then start checking as soon as the Spell Check dialog opens. Holding the option key down will override this option.Once the bottom of the document has been reached, you can choose to continue checking from the top of the document until all words have been checked.When a questionable word is found, the Check spelling button changes to “Skip”. Press “Skip” if you want to continue checking the document without changing the questionable word.[]If the suggestion list doesn’t contain the word you want, but the misspelled word is close to the desired word, move the cursor over the misspelled word and click. The misspelled word is inserted into the “Replace with:” edit field.Ignoring WordsIf the word is spelled correctly, but you don’t want to add it to the user dictionary click []. The spell checker will ignore all other occurrences of that word in the current session.Replacing WordsTo replace a questionable word with the contents of the “Replace with:” edit field, click the Replace button. If the field is empty, the word will be deleted from the document.To automatically replace all occurrences of the questionable word as you spell check, click the Replace All button. The spell checker will replace all other occurrences of that word in the current session.Spell Checking a Single Word000200000A2400011425 A1E,To spell check a single word, double-click the word and choose Check Spelling. The word is automatically checked and suggestions displayed if misspelled.Spell Checking a SelectionTo spell check a range of selected text, select the text and spell check. Once the selected text is checked, an option to continue checking the rest of the document is displayed.Learning New WordsNot all correctly spelled words, such as proper nouns, are stored in the dictionary. Press the Learn button to add the word to the user dictionary. If a user dictionary file isn’t found, Mariner Write Lite will create a new user dictionary file.To add multiple words to the user dictionary, select the range of words and press the Learn button.Spell Checking New WordsTo check the spelling of a word not in your document, enter it in the Replace with: field and press []. If the word is correctly spelled, it’s displayed in the Suggestions list. If it is not spelled correctly, other suggestions are listed.DictionariesRemoving Words from a DictionaryShould you mistakenly add a word to the dictionary, enter the word in the Replace with: field and press [].AAbout This Macintosh 3About This Manual 5Accelerated Scrolling 12Actual Font, showing in menu 11aligning specific characters 41alignment center 44 justified 44 left 44 paragraph 44 right 44allocating memory 3arranging documents 19 Cascade 19 Stack 19 Tile Horizontal 19 Tile Vertical 19ASCII (text) exporting 10 inserting 9 opening 8 saving 10BBold 47Bold Cursors 12Box 48Break Page 49CCascade 19Check Spelling 52 checking new words 52 ignoring words 52 learing new words 53 removing words from dictionary 53cleaning windows. See arranging documents.Clear 28Close 9closing documents 9color text 48Command Bar 5 help messages 5, 11conventions 5Copy Ruler 43copying 28Count 21 selection 21Curly Quotes 13custom line spacing 46 text size 47Cut 28Ddate/time field 31,21 format 31 inserting 31deleting text 28Diamond Keys 13 enabling 13dictionary adding words 53 removing words 53 spell checking 52 user 52discontiguous selection 27document arranging 19 closing 9 exporting 10 footers 32 headers 32 information 21 inserting 8 magnification 19 margins 38 new 6 open documents 7 opening 7 opening recent 7 page guides 17 page margins 17 page number 31 Page Setup 22 preferences 11 print preview 22 printing 22 ruler 37 saving 9 selecting 18 zoom 19Drag and Drop 4, 12, 30 enabling 12 installing 4Dynamic Scrolling 1200020000054500011E43 53F,EE-mail, Mariner Software 4editing text 24 drag and drop 4, 12, 30entering text 24 insertion point 24 non-breaking space 25 soft return 25 word wrap 24Export 10exporting 10Ffiles. See documents.Find Next 50Find Selection 51Find/Replace 50finding and replacing 50 invisible characters 50 text 50first-line indent 38font changing 46 showing actual in menu 11 size 47 style 47Footer. See Headers and Footers.footnote creating 33 deleting 33 editing 33GGo To Page 20graphics 34 formats 8, 34 hiding 35 importing 8 in-line 8, 35 pasting 13 resizing 35 scaling 35 showing 35guides 17Hhardware, requirements 3Headers and Footers 32 creating 32 deleting 32 editing 32 formatting 32 inserting 32 location 32help Internet address 4 online 4 technical support 4help messages 6 preferences 11hiding graphics 35 invisible characters 21hyphen, soft 25Iimages. See graphics.importing files 7 graphics 8in-line graphic 35indents hanging 39 paragraph 39 standard 39Insert Date/Time 31 as text 31 as updating field 31Insert Footer 32Insert Footnote 33Insert Header 32Insert Page Number 31Insert Soft Hyphen 25inserting files 8 graphics 8insertion point moving 20, 24, 26invisible characters 21 color 12 finding and replacing 50-51 page break 21,49Italic 47, 48000200000D5300012382 D4D,Jjustification, see Alignment.KKeep on Same Page 49Llanguage Synch Font to Script 15 Synch Script to Font 15Larger (text size) 49left margin 38line spacing 46 custom 46 double 46 single 46Mmagnification 19margins first-line indent 38 left margin 38 page 17 right margin 39 setting 39Mariner Write quitting 23markers date/time 31 invisible characters 21memory allocating 4 minimum 3 preferred 3 Virtual Memory 3minimum 3multiple text selections 29Nnavigating Arrow Keys 20, 24, 26 Diamond Keys 13 keyboard 26new documen 7non-breaking space 25Oonline help 5Open 7open documents 7Open Recent 7opening 2-2 files 7 graphics 8 recently opened documents 7Options, Preferences 11Other Font Size 50Other Line Spacing 45Ppage magnification 19 preview 22Page Break 21,49Page Guides 17page margins 17page number, inserting 31Page Setup 22panes, window splitting 18paragraph alignment 45 dialog 45 first-line indent 38 formatting 37 - 46 indenting 38 justification 44 Keep on Same Page 49 margins 38, 40 space after 39 space before 39 spacing 46 tabs 40Paste 29Paste Ruler 43pasting graphic 35 plain text 29 ruler settings 43phone number, Mariner 4pictures. See graphics.Plain Text 29preferences Accelerated Scrolling 12 actual font in menu 11 Application 11 curly quotes 13 Diamond Keys 13 Drag and Drop 12 Dynamic Scrolling 12 Help Messages 11 invisible characters, color 12 ruler zero, changing 14 Synch Font to Script 15 Synch Script to Font 15 Text Services 15 Undos, number of 14preferred 3Print 22Print Preview 22printing 22QQuit 23RRAM 3Redo 14Revert 10right margin 38ruler 36 copying 42 displaying 38 margins, changing 38 measurement unit 38 pasting 43 tabs, adjusting 42 zero, adjusting 14SSave 9Save As 9saving documents 9 to other formats 10scaling graphics 35scrolling accelerated 12 dynamic 12selecting documents 18selecting text 26 by dragging 26 by keyboard 26Show Command Bar 5Show Graphics 35Show Rulers 37Show Selection 20Show Style Ribbon 38SimpleText inserting 7 opening 8single line spacing 46size changing text 47 pop-up menu 48Smaller (text size) 47smart quotes. See Curly Quotes.soft hyphen 25software, requirements 3spacing before /after a paragraph 39 line 46spelling. See Check Spelling.Stack 19Strike Thru 48style changing text 47 pop-up menu 37Style Ribbon alignment, selecting 45 font, selecting 46 showing 38 size and style, selecting 38 tabs, creating 42Subscript/ Superscript 48Synch Font to Script 15Synch Script to Font 15Ttabs 40 adjusting 41 center 40 creating 41 decimal 40 Delete All 42 deleting 42 dialog 42 editing 42 left 41 moving 41 removing 42 right 40TeachText. See SimpleText. technical support 4text copying 28 deleting 28 discontiguous selection 27 drag and drop 29 editing 28 entering 24 finding 70 font 46 multiple selections 27 replacing 28 selecting 26 selection shortcuts 28 size 47 styling 47 typing 24 word wrap 24Text Services 15Tile Horizontal 19Tile Vertical 19time. See date/time.UUnderline 48Underline, submenu 48Undo 30 number of 14updating Date/Time field 31user dictionary 52VVirtual Memory 3Wwindow arranging 19 closing 9 splitting 18word wrap 24WorldScript preferences 15WWW address, Mariner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